<poem>Note: Throughout the area are doors that cannot be manually opened in the usual way. They will have a yellow or blue crystal above them. Finding a "Monolith" (Usually, there is one nearby) that is closed up and clicking it will cause the doors with the same color crystal as the monolith to open. At the same time, Doors with the other color crystal will be closed. Multiple monoliths exist that control the same doors, so if you activate one and the door closes before you can pass through it, just wait a moment- someone else in a different part of the area just used it, and if you trigger it again, no one will get anywhere. Teleporters are used to jump around the area, the small circles on the map denotes teleporters, and empty areas with letters are the destination of the teleporters. Some teleporters have more than one possible destination, you may end up at different places each time. The chances are random. Activating teleporter "l" on an even minute will take you to Kirin at <E-8>. Odd minutes will take you to <K-8>. This is Vana'diel time. You cannot go from teleport destination back to a teleporter.</poem> |
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