- Calengeard
- Calf (Herd1)
- Calf (Herd2)
- Calf (Herd3)
- Calfcleaving Chapuli
- Caliburn (NPC)
- Calixte
- Callisto
- Callort
- Calovour
- Cambric-Stück
- Camereine
- Camisado
- Canal Bats
- Canal Leech
- Canyon Crawler
- Canyon Rarab
- Capacucu
- Cape
- Cape +1
- Capiria
- Capucine
- Caracal
- Caradoc
- Carapax-Pulver
- Carautia
- Carbuncle
- Carbuncle-Debakel
- Carbuncle-Fausthandschuhe
- Carbuncle-Rubin
- Carbuncle (Avatar)
- Carbuncle (NPC)
- Carbuncles Träne
- Carect-Ring
- Careening Twitherym
- Carey
- Carmelide
- Carmelo
- Carnero
- Carnivorous Crawler
- Carrion Crow
- Caruvinda
- Castilchat
- Catalia
- Catus
- Cauzeriste
- Cavalgrinne
- Caveberry
- Cavernous Maw
- Cayu Pensharhumi
- Cefantia
- Ceizak-Schlachtfeld
- Ceizak-Schlachtfeld/Karten
- Ceizak-Schlachtfeld Grenzbiwak I
- Ceizak-Schlachtfeld Grenzbiwak II
- Ceizak-Schlachtfeld Grenzbiwak III
- Ceizak-Schlachtfeld Grenzposten
- Celebratory Chest
- Celennia-Gedächtnisbibliothek
- Celestina
- Celyddon
- Ceno
- Cerane I Virgaut
- Ceraule
- Ceraulian
- Cerberus
- Cerberus-Leder
- Cerise-Doublet
- Cermet Headstone
- Cernunnos
- Cernunnos-Harz
- Cernunnos-Knolle
- Cesti
- Cesti +1
- Cha Chalco
- Cha Lebagta
- Cha Tigunalhgo
- Chabobo
- Chains of Promathia
- Chains of Promathia-Missionen
- Chaka Skitimah
- Chakra
- Chakwaina
- Challoux
- Chaloutte
- Chalvatot
- Chalvava
- Chalybeous Slime
- Chamaja-Tamaja
- Chamama
- Chamama (Abyssea)
- Chamber of Passage
- Champalpieu
- Champion-Galea
- Chamäleon-Diamant
- Chandra-Perle
- Chanoix-Nackenpanzer
- Chanpau
- Chantain
- Chanteillie
- Chaos-Burgeonet
- Chaos-Burgeonet +1
- Chaos-Flanchard
- Chaos-Kürass
- Chaos-Panzerhandschuhe
- Chaos-Sollerets
- Chaosauge
- Chaosschlag
- Chapa-Cha
- Chapal-Afal, W.W.
- Chaphoire
- Chapi Galepilai
- Chapuli
- Chapuli-Flügel
- Chapuli-Horn
- Chapuli-Köder
- Charakter-Erstellung
- Charakter-Erstellung/Elvaan-Modelle
- Charakter-Erstellung/Galka-Modelle
- Charakter-Erstellung/Hume-Modelle
- Charakter-Erstellung/Mithra-Modelle
- Charakter-Erstellung/Tarutaru-Modelle
- Charging Chocobo
- Charis-Halsband
- Charis-Tiara
- Charis-Tiara +1
- Charlaimagnat
- Charmealaut
- Charutata
- Charybdis
- Chasalvige
- Chasmic Hornet-Stachel
- Chatnachoq
- Chaupire
- Chauxnatte
- Chawo Shipeynyo
- Chayaya
- Cheh Raihah
- Cheh Raihah (Bastok)
- Cheh Raihah (Windurst)
- Cheli
- Chelidoine
- Chemioue
- Chenokih
- Chenon
- Cherlodeau
- Cherukiki
- Chetak
- Cheupirudaux
- Cheval-Wasserhaut
- Cheviot-Cape
- Cheviot-Stoff
- Cheviot-Stoffstück
- Chhaya
- Chi-Stoß
- Chigoe
- Chigoe (NPC)
- Chigoe (NPC Nord-Gustaberg)
- Chigoe (NPC Ost-Ronfaure)
- Chigoe (NPC Ost-Sarutabaruta)
- Chigoe (NPC Süd-Gustaberg)
- Chigoe (NPC West-Ronfaure)
- Chigoe (NPC West-Sarutabaruta)
- Chigoes
- Chihpi Kapirapehro
- Childerich
- Chimh Dlesbah
- Chimären-Blut
- Chiphraix
- Chipmy-Popmy
- Chiyo
- Chochoroon
- Chocobiliös
- Chocobo-Anzug
- Chocobo-Aufzucht
- Chocobo-Bandage
- Chocobo-Befiederung
- Chocobo-Feder
- Chocobo-Führerschein
- Chocobo-Handschuhe
- Chocobo-Hose
- Chocobo-Jackenmantel
- Chocobo-Jackenmantel-Set
- Chocobo-Kappe
- Chocobo-Mazurka
- Chocobo-Namen
- Chocobo-Rennbahn
- Chocobo-Rennen
- Chocobo-Stab
- Chocobo-Tango
- Chocobo-Ticket
- Chocobo-Vermieter
- Chocoboleech
- Chomo Jinjahl
- Chomomo
- Chomoro-Kyotoro
- Choral-Cannions
- Choral-Cannions +1
- Choral-Justaucorps
- Choral-Manschetten
- Choral-Manschetten +1
- Choral-Roundlet
- Choral-Slipper
- Choralanzugs-Set
- Choreographen-Armreife
- Choreographen-Armreife -1
- Choreographen-Strumphose
- Choreographen-Stulpen
- Choreographen-Tiara
- Choreographen-Trikot
- Choubollet
- Choyi Totlihpa
- Chroniken der Ehre
- Chualulu
- Chuchuroon
- Chudigrimane
- Chuglix Berrypaws
- Chukwa-Ei
- Chululu
- Chumia
- Chumimi
- Chumli-Mojumli
- Chupaile
- Chuqui-Chanqui
- Churano-Shurano
- Churara
- Chutarmire
- Chya Mindorah (Adoulin)
- Chyuk-Kochak
- Cid
- Cids Geheimnis
- Cids Labor
- Cilice-Stoff
- Cilice-Stoffstück
- Cinder Crab
- Ciqala
- Cirdas-Kopf I
- Cirdas-Kopf II
- Cirque-Capello +1
- Cirque-Farsetto +1
- Civic Arboretum
- Civil Registrar
- Civil Rigistrar (Pionierszunft E-8)
- Claidie
- Clainomille
- Clais
- Clautaire
- Cleades
- Cleades (Abyssea)
- Clemmar
- Cletae
- Cletine
- Climbpix Highrise
- Clipper
- Cloud Walker
- Cluster-Asche
- CoP
- Coastal Fishing Net
- Cobbi Malgharam
- Cocchi Ryojhbon
- Cochal-Monchal
- Cockatrice
- Cockatrice-Fleischstück
- Cockatrice-Haut
- Cockatrice-Wams
- Coderiant
- Coeurl-Barthaar
- Coeurl-Fleisch
- Coin-Mana-Kugel
- Cointeach
- Colkhab
- Colleraie
- Collet
- Colossal Spider
- Colti
- Coltrone
- Combat
- Comitiolus
- Comittie
- Commojourt
- Condor Eye
- Conflux Surveyor
- Congee-Toyangee
- Congestus-Leuchtzelle
- Conrad
- Constance
- Contie
- Cophi Ricuub
- Copuwawa
- Coral Crab
- Coralline Uragnite
- Corann
- Cordsamt
- Coribalgeant
- Corlotte
- Cornelia
- Cornelia (Abyssea)
- Cornelia (Mithril-Musketier)
- Cornered Heartwing
- Corpo-Vorpo (Adoulin)
- Corse-Cape
- Corseihaut (R)
- Corua
- Cotelle
- Cothric
- Couchatorage
- Coucheutand (R)
- Coullave
- Coullene
- Coumaine
- Coumuna
- Count Furfur
- Count Murmur
- Courisaille
- Couvoullie
- Coveter
- Covin Bat
- Cow (Herd1)
- Cow (Herd2)
- Cow (Herd3)
- Coyah Neblahe
- Crabs
- Craklaw
- Crawler
- Crawler-Kokon
- Crawler (MORPH)
- Crawler Hunter
- Crazy Wolf
- Creepstix
- Crilde
- Crimson Knight Crab
- Crochepallade
- Crooked Arrow
- Crossbones (BLM)
- Crossbones (WAR)
- Croumangue
- Cruadin
- Cruor
- Cruor Prospector
- Crusty Crab
- Crying Wind, I.M.
- Cthonic Chapuli
- Cuchulain-Mantel
- Cuir-Bandana
- Cumetouflaix